It’s been a year!

It’s hard to believe a year ago today Fen and I started this crazy Crossfit journey.  What an amazing experience we’ve gone through.  It’s been one of the hardest things we have ever experienced and say the least!  The truth is we could have easily given up, but the people we workout with inspire us immensely and when we don’t see them we miss us crazy!!!!

Our goal when we started was to go at least three times a week, but on average we make it five times provided the work schedule permits.  In general, we go Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.  The worst part is during the week because we do the 5:30 am class.  Some days the weather is hot as Hell and other mornings it’s freaking cold as theArctic.  Without a doubt getting out of bed at 4:45 am, when every muscle in our body hurts requires dedication. What made each morning easier was knowing we weren’t the only crazies working out at o’dark thirty.

Thanks to everyone who has helped us through our journey to fitness. We are honored and humbled to call you our friends!!


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