
Showing posts from June, 2017

Day 8 - AMRAP

Today's 20 minute AMRAP included kettle bells, burpees, lunges, Clean and Jerks, and after 20 minutes we had 2 attempts to run 400 meters with 2 minute rest in between.  I was an idiot and again failed to follow instructions and didn't do the 2 minute rest break.  Clearly, I need to learn how to read.  We worked our asses off and every muscle hurts, but the good news for me NO headache and my appetite was back to normal.  I am glad tomorrow is our last 3 day cycle because we need a break.

Day 7

June 19 was day 7 of our Crossfit journey.  The work out was extremely hard for us.  We had to do 5 rounds of pull-ups, weighted wall balls, 200 meter run and box jumps.  Physically I was taxed and I almost threw up 3 times and got light headed once.  Fen experienced the same effects, but the most important part we finished!  The remainder of the day I experienced a lack of energy and really bad headache.  It was so bad that I had to force myself to eat.  Chad thought I might have been dehydrated, so my goal every day needs to include more water and a better balance of my meals to ensure I remain fueled.

First day of week two

Well, we made it to week two.  We can't lie, we didn't think we would make it.  As we expected we were in pain every day.  When we left our arms, legs, and core were on fire and we barely had the ability to get in my truck, let alone drive home.  Physically my face was red as a tomato every day, my legs felt like rubber bands, my lungs felt as though they would explode out of my chest and many, many times I thought I would throw up and/or pass out.  Even though we were tempted to tap out, we were determined to give full effort, so we plugged along.   Just 7 days into this journey we started seeing some physical changes in our muscles and we have a tad more endurance.  Based on Chad's recommendation we are going to continue to do 3 or 4 days in the morning at 5:30 due to the heat.  The entire workout is hard, but the running and then immediately doing the body exercise immediately after is both hard and painful.  This week I am going to foc...

Survived our first week -

Much to our surprise we made it through the first week.  It was extremely hot the latter half of the week so we decided to go to the 5:30 am class.  It was tough getting up at 4:45 in the morning, but worth it to avoid the heat in the afternoon. The workouts were pretty intense and we did the kindergarten versions. Thursday June 15 workout included a 6 rounds of 200m run, 10 goblet squats, 10 deck squats, 10 lunges, squats, another mile run, then squats.  I finished in 34:39 and Fen was 37:10. Friday June 16 aka Chipper Friday was a 1 mile run, 10 man makers (crazy hard), another 1 mile run, 10 man makers, another 1 mile run and man makers.  We were short on time and wasn't able to finish the third round.  Btw - everyone else had to do 25 or 35 man makers.  A man maker is a push up, one armed row in a push up position, and a shoulder press.  The workout was a killer!!  I finished 2 rounds for. 46 minutes  and Fenton finished in 49 minut...


I don't have many before pictures, but I will try to get one at the gym later in the week.  My goal is to take a picture every week or so to illustrate our progress.

We made it to day 3 -

Well, we are surprised we made it to day 3. We are exhausted feel like we would die, but half the battle is getting there.  In general, I am a lazy person and rarely exercise good judgements, so I am excited I made 3 days. The work out was pretty challenging.  I got light headed and at one point I thought I was going to throw up, but fortunately I kept it together.  We ran 400 meters up a hill, jumped on boxes, threw a big weighted ball against the wall, and did some kind of switchblade looking exercise.  The entire routine was to do 15 sets, 3 times and that was after the warm up with kettle bells and jump rope.  My time was 25.03 and Fen was 25.  I wish my time and form would have been better, but they say that comes in time.

Day 2

Well good news, we didn't die overnight and made it to our second workout.  This one was way harder than yesterday.  We had 20 minutes to run 400 meters, do 25 thrusts with weight (not sure what the official name), skater plyos, and jumping squats.  Rebecca wanted us to finish at least 2 rounds in 20 minutes.  Unfortunately, I took 29 minutes and fen was 30, but after we left he realized he forgot the last exercise....ooops!

Crossfit Day 1 - WTF were we thinking?

June 10, 2017, Fen and I started our Crossfit journey.  It all started a few months ago after chatting with my former friend, Chad Bell.  You see, it was then that I found out he and his gorgeous wife, Rebecca, own Crossfit La Mesa.  I knew crossfit was all the rage, but honestly I thought it was only for elite athletes not old and fat 50 year olds.  One thing led to another and Fen and I showed up at their gym at 10:00 in the morning on a Sunday.  YES, I said Sunday!!   As we drove to the gym we both questioned what the hell we were thinking. We are far from athletes and how in the world could we keep up?  Chad assured me there were all sorts of people into crossfit we would be fine.  Once we got there he introduced us the Deborah, a 60 year old woman who also decided she needed a change several months earlier.  I immediately felt a connection to Deborah.  She was positive and optimistic assuring us we could do it.   She said,...