We made it to day 3 -

Well, we are surprised we made it to day 3. We are exhausted feel like we would die, but half the battle is getting there.  In general, I am a lazy person and rarely exercise good judgements, so I am excited I made 3 days.

The work out was pretty challenging.  I got light headed and at one point I thought I was going to throw up, but fortunately I kept it together.  We ran 400 meters up a hill, jumped on boxes, threw a big weighted ball against the wall, and did some kind of switchblade looking exercise.  The entire routine was to do 15 sets, 3 times and that was after the warm up with kettle bells and jump rope.  My time was 25.03 and Fen was 25.  I wish my time and form would have been better, but they say that comes in time.


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